Cat Dandruff

My daughter constantly worries about her cat, Miming. One morning she came to my office screaming that something was wrong with the cat; I could not help but wonder if it was something really huge. She exclaims to me: "Miming has dandruff!"

I paused and thought out loud: Can cats have dandruff?

As if on cue, Miming came in, hopped up on my table and onto my daughter's arms, as if to show me that indeed, there is such a thing as cat dandruff.

Cat Dandruff is a skin condition which is often confused with cat dander. Dander, as we all know, is the shedding of dead skin cells but is usually invisible to the eye. Dandruff on the other hand is a result of a dry and flaky skin and may be a good indicator if our cat is having health problems.

The first thing that came to my mind is that we might be using too strong a cat shampoo on her. We all sat down around my computer and tried to make sense of feline dandruff. Below is a compilation of some of the positive information that we found helpful:

* Cat dandruff is caused by lack of moisture in the environment. Like humans, our cats draw moisture from drinking water and proper food intake and appropriate environment moisture. Once we identify that lack of moisture is causing the dandruff, we can use a humidifier to add the needed moisture.
* Diet is the most common root cause of the problem. Our cats need a good dose of Omega 3 and Fish oil to have healthy skin and hair. These can be sourced from the cat food that we choose to give them or we can include these supplements into their diet. Canned Tuna enriched with high Omega 3 or Fish Oil is recommended by most veterinarians, and would require us to give our cats a wet-food diet from time to time. This essential fatty acid plays a vital role in maintaining good health and great skin.
* Cat dandruff may be due to the presence of parasites like fleas, lice and mites. Good grooming is the only remedy for these parasites. To treat them and extinguish their presence, your veterinarian will recommend a cat shampoo specifically designed to treat parasites. Constant hair combing and hair washing will prevent these parasites from coming back. Additionally, you would have to treat all the animals in your house, as parasites tend to stick to anything. You may also want to check on humans and the house itself for presence of these parasites.
* Too much sun exposure causes the skin to become dry and flaky, and end up creating dandruff. If your cat spends too much time outdoors, they have a tendency to get sunburned- especially in areas where fur or hair is sparse. The sunburn kills the topmost layer of the skin, causing it to become dry and flaky. Always remember to keep your cats indoor at the time when sun is most high. Good time to bring your cats outside is during the first glance of sunlight from 6 to 9 in the morning.
* Dandruff is often an indication of a deeper and bigger health problem. Should persistent dandruff occurrence be manifested and observed, it is important to consult with your veterinarian at the soonest possible time.

Try these first-aid approaches to rectify cat dandruff, and continue monitoring improvements in the condition. Once you have identified and isolated a possible cause, remedies administered right away should create a difference in a week's time.


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