Big Cat - Lion

The lion is the second largest of the big cats of the genus Panthera leo. Also known as the "king of the jungle", it lived in southern Europe, the Middle East, Africa and India. Today it is found mostly in east-central Africa.
The male lion is 6 1/2 t0 9 feet in length and weigh about 400 pounds. When the male reaches five years old, it develops a full mane. The fur color is yellowish gray with a black tuft on its tail. The life span of the lion averages 15 years.
It is a noisy animal using its larynx with a supple suspensory ligament of the tongue to frighten other animals. The sounds range from a slight moan to a mighty roar. It uses its teeth and retractable claws to kill its prey but can kill only with a swat of its paws. It has 30 teeth but none are flat so it swallows its food in large chunks. It can consume 50 pounds of meat at one time which can satisfy it for up to a week.
The lion is most active at night and hunts in packs. The male will roar driving the prey to the female lion. It only kills what it needs. A male can reach speeds up to 35 mph. It eats carrions, zebras, gnus and antelopes, giraffes and young elephants. Although it is not known to be a man-eater, if it gets a taste of human blood, it will lose its fear of man and become a menace.
It lives in a large social group called a pride. The pride is usually peaceful because the it sleeps around 20 hours a day. The female can bear cubs at any time of the year. Since the it does not stay in one location for a long time, the female moves the cubs from one location to another by carrying them one at a time in its mouth.
Believed to be a symbol of the sun, it was hunted for sport by royalty. It has been hunted and trapped over the years being a cherished trophy for a hunter. The population has diminished due to this practice and the reduction of animals it needs for food. It is relatively easy to keep in captivity and is a favorite attraction for zoos and circuses.


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