The Russian Blue is a silver-blue coated cat originally from Russia. The outer coat is coarse while the undercoat is soft and downy. The body is lean and elongated and the eyes are usually dark green. The breed is very intelligent and playful but can be timid among strangers. The breed is very loyal to it's owners.
Another breed is the Abyssinian. The breed is believed to have originated from Egypt. This breed is active, colorful and muscular. It is a medium in size with a soft, silky and dense coat. It's eyes are almond shaped and can be gold, hazel, copper or green in color. The breed requires a lot of attention and is timid toward strangers.
Burmese originally came from Thailand. It is medium sized and very muscular. It's eyes are gold or yellow. The Burmase was brown but selective breeding has made it available in many colors. It's coat is short haired with a satin-like finish. A Burmese is intelligent, playful and has an even temperament.
One of the oldest breeds is the Egyptian Mau. The Egyptian Mau is the only naturally spotted and fastest breed of domestic cat. Although the Mau is smaller than some cats, it's body shape and hind legs give it greater agility and speed. The Mau likes warm temperatures. The Mau is very loyal to it's owner but doesn't take well to strangers.
The Himalayan is a Persian-type cat. It is a long haired cat that requires daily brushing. It's vivid blue eyes and color points are that of a Siamese which distinguish it from the Persian. It's legs are short limiting it's jumping ability. It's temperament is sweet and it makes a good companion. It is intelligent and very active.
One of the larger breed of cats is the Maine Coon. It is native to Maine where it is the state cat. It is a long haired cat that comes in many colors. It's long fur is water resistance and the shape of it's toes allows it to walk on snow. The Maine Coon is one of the larger breed of domestic cats weighing up to 18 pounds. It is intelligent, gentile but cautious with strangers.
The Manx is a tailless cat with a sturdy body despite it's mutated spine. The mutated spine accounts for it being tailless. The Manx originated on the Isle of Man. It has a long, coarse outer coat and thick undercoat. Having longer front legs gives it the appearance of being rounded. The Manx has a sweet disposition and is a strong hunter.
Another long hair cat is the Persian. The Persian has a thick coat, short legs, wide head with large eyes and an an appearance of a "pushed in" face. It requires daily cleaning and brushing to avoid health problems. It has a good temperament and makes a good companion.
The Devon Rex origins date back to 1960 in England. The Devon Rex has a short curly soft coat, large ears, wide head and an upturned nose. It's whiskers are short and curled. It can leap very well due to it's long legs and large toes. It cannot tolerate extreme temperatures. The Devon Rex is intelligent, very friendly and likes high places.
Last but not least is the Siamese. The Siamese cat originated from Siam(Thailand). The Siamese has a slim, long, well muscled body, triangular shaped head, almond shaped eyes and a long, thin neck. It's hair is short, glossy and soft and has a pointed color scheme. The Siamese is the most vocal of all breeds and can jump with ease. The Siamese is intelligent and very social.
Each breed has it's own unique look and behavior. As an owner, you have to decide which features are important to you. Whether you chose a cat like the ones mentioned above, a stray or a cat from an animal shelter, a cat makes a loyal house pet when treated with love and kindness. If you decide on a pure breed cat, make sure the cat conforms to the Cat Fanciers' Association standards for authenticity.
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